Tell Me

Tell me about your daylovewallpaper

Tell me what you did

Tell me how your work was

Tell me how people treated you

Tell me how you treated them

Tell me when your sunshine was the brightest in the sky

Tell me about every time you could see the clouds make funny shapes in the afternoon sky when you took your lunch

Tell me if anybody or anything upset you

Tell me about the times when you breathed deeply and found your inner peace

Tell me every time you looked at the clock

Tell me about the earworm song stuck in your head all day long

Tell me which movie is your favorite today

Tell me what show you’re binge-watching now

Tell me again about that time we went out to dinner and we laughed so hard they almost threw us out

Tell me how your heart feels when we’re together

Tell me how your heart feels when we’re apart

Tell me about the puppy you had growing up

Tell me why you think it’s so cute when I wrinkle my nose up when I grin at you

Tell me the shade of later afternoon when you made your way home

Tell me how I can feel so at home no matter where I am as long as I feel your arms around me.

Tell me what you love about me

Tell me how I ever got so lucky as to find you

Tell me why it is that snuggling you in this bed sends electricity through my body like nothing else in the world

Tell me your secrets

Tell me in whispers

Tell me with your lips to my ear

Tell me quick because I’m falling asleep in your embrace; the most powerful sedative in the world

Tell me again… out of all the people in the world… why you chose me

Tell me again

Just tell me

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